Sunday 10 May 2009

Fears. coming true?

I have this friend see. and as of late, I have become increasingly worried for her mental stability.
When i first met her, she struck me as naturally confident and flambouyant. And stayed like that for a while.
But, in the past few months, I've noticed sudden increasing changes in her normal attitude. First up, her blogs are veery depressing, and she's quieter at school. Exams are looming ever closer, and has recently has been under great emotional stress relationship wise. A great weight, in any case.
But now I've grown afraid that she is beginning to buckle under the weight. Consider the shelving units. They can bear a certain amount of weight, which, if exceeded, creates stress lines and fractures before shattering and dropping all the weight with the unit itself. An odd comparison, but an accurate one nonetheless.
Once, I was in this very position. I came incredibly close to the shattering point. After that, I vowed never to allow any of my friends to fall into the same trap. I failed. Now i fear she is becoming as I once was. Withdrawn, Sorrowful, taking things the wrong way, snapping at others who interact with your lifelines. I think i may have interacted with one of hers, and now she seems to hate me. Joy. All i can say to her now is that one day, you will see things my way. You'll understand the paranoia of having someone taken away by a protective best friend.
I'm sorry you could not rely on me to act as a backup, as a friend. I'm sorry i allowed you to fall this deep. For both i can ask but one thing.

Rhian, Forgive me?

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