Saturday 9 May 2009

End of an Era

I'm not usually one for sentiment. Never before have i felt such sorrow upon realising i have 5 days of school. Maybe because this time it's different. This time, it won't be all normal after the summer is over. This time, when the group seperates, it will never be the same again.
I think that, though we're all adamant that the group will still be there for years 12 and 13, deep down all of us know. This is the end. After exams, the group will never be as close knit as before. Perhaps this is a mercy, as some loose ends may well be lost, and allow others to bend into the folds. Perhaps not.
For certain, I can think of a few people I want to retain a close friendship with. One in particular. My respect for him is boundless, despite his recent assaults on my neck ¬.¬
As for another, that one's a given. Of course I want to stay close to her. Perhaps forever, if time is that kind.
The others, the original group, i still wish to still know in years to come. A,mrsA,R,mrsR,L(ofc),Z,R2.
This group has good expctations. We're all going somewhere. Should we not help each other get there? Will they be willing, as I am, to stay in touch in the future, Uni years onwards, when we spread all over the country.
Thinking of that, Uni will be annoying. I'm no sucker for temptation, I know she isn't either. But distance can be heartbreaking after such closeness, physically and emotionally. I would hate to grow apart from her in the coming few years. We'll both meet new people. Maybe we'll grow to like them.
Do i like this awful truth? No. I hate it. I hate the very thought of it.

One thing's for sure

These group ties may be stretched, split, but never fully severed.

I for one will not allow it.


  1. "I for one will not allow it."

    if you think about it, by now we;ve been at this school for two years. next year more people are leaving than new ones coming here. so we will still have the people around us. and we have established who are friends are by now, so we're not nessicarily going out there looking for new friends.
    theoretically, things will be the same, minus timne together in lessons.

  2. don't worry i won't be wanting to leave the group! and i don't want the others to either!
